Associations-USA: Advanced Practice Nurse Council of the Delaware Nurses Association

Advanced Practice Nurse Council of the Delaware Nurses Association

The Advanced Practice Nurse strives for excellence in academic and clinical training to provide quality health care to the people we serve. The Advanced Practice Nurse Council of Delaware (APN Council), a division of the Delaware Nurses Association (DNA), represents the interests of all Advanced Practice Nurses in Delaware.

Mission & Vision

The Advanced Practice Council of Delaware represents the interests of advanced practice nurses in the State of Delaware. The APN Council advocates for advanced practice nurses through legislative channels and regulatory activity, resulting in outcomes that are beneficial to the citizens of Delaware. It promotes for the professional development and education of advanced practice nurses in the State of Delaware.

The APN Council has the following goals:

  • Increase membership in the APN Council
  • Improve communication with APNs through out the State
  • Provide educational opportunities for APNs in Delaware
  • Be proactive on Legislative issues that effect APN’s of Delaware
  • Remain informed and active on legislative issues on the National level
  • Promotion of APNs to the general public and other health care professionals

Dynamic and growing

The APN Council takes a proactive leadership role that supports the goals and objectives of the APN profession in Delaware. The APN Council provides quality continuing education for APN’s, and advocacy for cost-effective comprehensive care for all patients in all settings.

The APN Council invites you to review our website to learn more about the organization and how you can become a member of the organization. The APN facts tab provides a overview of the organization’s history and structure and is a good place to start.